Posts - Page 16 of 37
Blog Action Day
So I was going to write this article called *Of Mice and Men *for Blog Action Day.
iPhone 5 compatibility
Finally got off USNA campus to pick up a pre-ordered iPhone 5 . That device has been sitting in a box the last three weeks.
iPhone 5 predictions
- 9/14, 7:00 AM Running the iOS 6 GM seed on an iPhone 4. All Apparent Etch apps appear to work. I haven’t been able to test the apps with the taller display since the iPhone 5 hasn’t come out yet. Apps should letterbox on the new screen until I update them to take advantage of the increased space.
Oh wait, let me go pre-order that device.
Fixing Cyberduck
If you have been using Cyberduck on Windows and have encountered the error Could find part of the path
when you try have Cyberduck automatically download an open a file for editing, you tmp
directory may be corrupted from a previous instance of editing.
The tmp
directory is used by Cyberduck to store the downloaded files when you edit them directly from the program.
What is AT&T thinking?
My current cellular data plan is