Viewing iTunes artist pages through a web browser

I decided to stop using an accordion menu on the site and have the “Created Apps” link to the iTunes page that would show all apps by Apparent Etch. However, not everyone has iTunes or wants it to open all the time.

iTunes now has a web based viewer where you can view apps and music. Good eh? So The Beatles have their own artist page that shows all their music sold on iTunes.

But when you substitute in Apparent Etch like so,

loading itunes page

The result opens up a generic Opening iTunes page with the box and dot animation in the middle. <p style="text-align: center;"> </p>

Same goes for Firemint Pty Ltd’s link

I’m guessing that only iTunes music artists get the web based Artist Page with a list of available works on it. I hope that Apple extends this feature to iOS app developers (artists — same thing on iTunes). People can quickly view the developer’s apps on a webpage in their browser rather than wait for iTunes — if they even have it — to start up and load. If the user is interested, then they’ll wait for iTunes to load. If implemented for developers, the web based Artist Page is a win-win for all parties in the long run.

Am I wrong? Tell me in the comments.

Anson Liu