Posts - Page 29 of 37
Saving an identical in-app purchase "Proposed" description
When Apple rejected an in-app purchase last year, I worked around the rejection and let the in-app sit with the “rejection”, a “Proposed” description that was the same as the original hanging over the in-app. Since the description was the same and had no enter button to submit the updated description, I clicked the Save button a the bottom of the page. Unfortunately it didn’t save the “Proposed” description and yellow exclamation mark hung over the in-app.
Merger with S²
Great news!
Twilight Struggle
Image Out is still crawling through the Apple review process. Apparently the icon and app includes references to Apple products.
Image Out coming soon
Ever wanted to simply project an image onto an external display but there was no way to do it?
Apple fixes the lock orientation conundrum
In the upcoming iPad iOS 4.3, Apple fixed the orientation paradox by just adding an option where users could choose whether the side switch could either mute the device or toggle the orientation lock.