Customized Facebook profile bar for pages

Now Facebook page owners can now create customized profile picture bars as part of the new page.

We’ve all seen the “hacks” that people have presented using the bar. I attempted to do the same to the Apparent Etch Facebook page. The iPhone’s vinyl background was used as a backdrop. I was able to get the images to show up in the profile picture bar as shown below.

facebook profile barThe images do not seem to be rearrangeable. I tried tagging them in different orders and dragging them (I thought that worked before?).

The little icons seem to have life of their own. Every time the page is refreshed, they are randomly arranged. I’m settling for a randomized mosaic in the pictures bar now. Do you know of a way to permanently rearrange pages’ pictures that I haven’t tried out yet? I’ll be glad to know in the comments.

Anson Liu